Dhyan (Meditation)

What is Dhyan?
Dhyan is a state of pure consciousness which transcends the inner and outer senses. The climax of Dhyan is samadhi. In Indian tradition, Dhyan is used for the growth of the inner soul. Western psychologists link Dhyan with mental concentration and consider it a special state of mind, this is Dhyan. The techniques and nature of Dhyan might vary but even the modern scientific research validates and highlights its benefits.
According to Vaishnavs, this is the 7th step in mastering Ashtang Yog (Ashta is the Sanskrit word for “eight”. Anga simply means “limb” thus Ashtang Yog). For one to achieve ultimate health, harmony and happiness in life they MUST practice these eight steps:
1) Yam
2) Niyam
3) Asan
4) Pranayam
5) Pratyahar
6) Dharna
7) Dhyan
8) Samadhi
Once you have mastered Dhyan, then the relation between a soul and The Supreme Personality becomes eternal and there is only Ultimate Happiness.
How Do I do Dhyan?
Choose an image of God, Ideally where the entire body is visible (This is available for download from Bhujmandir.org/Wallpapers). Sit in a clean, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed and airy place. Preferably, in the morning (at or around 5am). Sit in one of the following postures; Padmasana, Siddhasana or Swastikasana. Breathe in a very relaxed way (about 10-12 breaths per minute, 2.5-3 seconds in and 2.5-3 seconds out) and simply stare at your chosen Murti analysing every body part and the marks on the Murti from toe to the head, remembering the story behind them, if any.
When can Dhyan be done?
Ideally it should be done in the morning. However due to other commitments this is not always possible in which case it can be done anytime, anywhere.
Why Should I do Dhyan?
Dhyan is like a fast track approach in achieving your goals. They say “a man who has control over the mind has control over the world”, so if you have won your own mind then you have won the entire world. By other mediums you do attain goals, although they are materialistic and temporary. Dhyan will give you the eternal happiness which is not just in this life, but after as well.
Ref: Vachnamrut;
The divine form of Lord Shree Krishna should be meditated upon alongside Raadhaaji. Even if during such meditation a devotee does not see the divine form of Shree Krishna in his heart, he should not stop meditating. One who persists in such divine pursuit is sure to earn the grace of God, the Lord will be attached to him due to his intense devotion.”
Kariyani :12
The karan body, the maya of the jeev, is attached so strongly to the jeev that they cannot be separated by any means whatsoever…
However, if a person performs dhyan on the svarup of Bhagwan then the karan body attached to his jeev is burnt completely
A lot of research is being done on the effects of meditation on physiology and psychology of human.
Research has shown that Meditation can contribute to an individuals psychological and physiological well-being. This is accomplished as Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into an alpha state, which is a level of consciousness that promotes the healing state. More and more physicians are prescribing meditation as a way to healthy life style.It is a flexible approach to coping with stress, anxiety, many medical conditions and the day-to-day "static" that robs us of inner peace.
Physical Benefits
Dhyan regulates and controls electrical and chemical activity in the brain, heart rhythm, blood pressure, skin’s capacity of resistance and many such functions inside the body.
● Meditation keeps one young. Younger biological age i.e. one is younger than one’s chronological age.
● Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing. This has been very helpful to asthma patients.
● Deep rest-as measured by decreased metabolic rate, lower heart rate, and reduced work load of the heart.
● Lowers levels of chemicals associated with stress eg. cortisol and lactate.
● It reduces the chances of tissue damage though, the free radicals are controlled.
● Decreases high blood pressure.
● Drop in cholesterol levels.
● Improved flow of air to the lungs resulting in easier breathing. This has been very helpful to asthma patients.
Spiritual Benefits of Meditation
● Builds comprehensive awareness.
● Promotes interdependence between mind, body, and spirit.
● Helps you live the concept of “oneness.”
● Creates sense of well being and calm.
● Makes one discover one’s true nature i.e. realizing ones self, in finding what one seeks - consciously or unconsciously.
● Controls the mind.
● Sets one free from one’s illusions and preconceptions that prevents from fulfilling oneself.
● Dhyan dissolves the ego, a person attains the union between a persons own consciousness and the cosmic consciousness.
● Most importantly, it’s the key to attain the Supreme, speak to him, play with whilst in this body and experience the eternal happiness
Types Of Dhayn
There are various types of Dhyan. The modern science will preach something different although our Rishi Munis and Hindu scripture talks of four specific ones. They are as follows:
Saang (Considered as the BEST)
Meditating on Maharaj’s body only. (For instance Maharaj’s body parts, tils or cheens). It’s simply meditating on Maharaj’s swarup. In addition, Saang meditation is considered to be the best form of dhyan. For example in our Swaminarayan Sampraday, Dharmapur’s Kushalkunvar Baa did darshan of Shreeji Maharaj just in Dhoti and internalised the Murti in her heart. Similarly, we should find a swarup of choice in this form and meditate upon the Murti (Available from BhujMandir.org/wallpapers).
Meditating whilst Maharaj is fully adorned in His attire, jewellery, flower garlands, mughat (head gear), etcetera.
Saleel (Sacharitra)
Meditating by remembering Maharaj’s leela charitras, for example; meditating upon Maharaj eating, bathing, enjoying rang--utsav, relaxing, serving his devotees, etcetera.
Meditating whilst Maharaj is seated in a grand sabha along with all the paramhansos, devotees from all over, Mulji Bhramchaari is serving Maharaj, countless muktas in Akshardhaam and so forth.
However, please note carefully; one cannot meditate upon any soul, although they may have achieved the highest status (becoming a Bhramn) in this life or after.
Lord Shree Krishna, His incarnations and His images are alone worthy of meditation, therefore they alone shall be meditated upon, but one shall never meditate upon a person, a deity or Jeeva even though he may be a profound devotee of Lord Shree Krishna or a Brahmveta. Ref, Shikshapatri; 115.
These are the different types and methods of meditation. By meditating in these different ways, one is able to destroy the worldly desires of the causal body. One may try to destroy such desires through other numerous means but their efforts will be futile. Such are the teachings of Lord Shree Swaminarayan and all other scriptures.
For this reason, one should make great effort to meditate in such way by firmly fixing the self upon the Lord’s glorious Murti. Those that do will definitely be rewarded with a place in Akshardhaam.
Moreover, when you go to Mandir, dhyan can be done too. When standing in front of Maharaj take as long as you need to observe and do Dhyan; doing this will not only get you peace but also get you closer to Maharaj.